Potato Power Source For Lights – Is This Really Works?

19 Feb 2019

Is it possible to light a bulb with a potato or any other food stuff? According to the MadSci reports, the two different variant metals react with potato juice can lead to form minor amount of Voltage. This small amount of energy is much enough to light an electrical device.

The measurement of electricity can easily discover using multimeter. This doesn’t apply to all! If you use millimeter to calculate electricity of any food stuffs, it result zero. This isn’t surprising or miracle, zero indication of electricity due to small amount of energy. You don’t need to confuse, there are many fruits and vegetables to generate electricity with the help of chemical properties.

Let’s take a lemon, which contains rich sources of citric acid. You can use this chemical source as a power plant. To do so, just pair lemon to an LED bulb using zinc and copper. In this experiment, both the substance behaves as a zinc electrode and copper electrode into a lemon. This outer circuit leads to form an electrical energy in the lemon.

Similarly, you can use the same process in potatoes to generate electricity. All you need to do is, connect the zinc plated pins with copper wire. Once the external circuit completed, plug them to two or three potatoes and pair end lines to LED bulb.

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