DSM Canthaxanthin Supplement Carophyll Red 10% Received A Generally Recognized As Safe Label (GRAS) By The U.S. Food & Drugs Administration FDA

14 Mar 2016

DSM followed proposed processes by the FDA to establish its canthaxanthin in GRAS under the intended conditions of use. The process comprises of a skilled panel to evaluate the essential product safety data and then submitting a voluntary notification to FDA. By the FDA the rating allows for carotenoids product to support the development of breeder hens at the level of 6 parts per million of complete feed.    

By the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA), carophyll red is already recognized as a performance enhancer and an effective antioxidant for the poultry breeders. The GRAS notification was pursued by the DSM in the context of its MaxiChick project. It is a product combination to increase the productivity in the production of poultry. It comprises of a combination of the active form of vitamin D3 named Hy-D and canthaxanthin named carophyll red 10%, which promotes and improves the quality and number of the chicks produced. DSM’s carophyll is the first carotenoids product evaluated thoroughly as an antioxidant for poultry feed.

When used in the intended quantity, DSM’s canthaxanthin (carophyll red 10%) meets the standard stated in code of federal relations title 21 and is safe for both human and animal consumption.

Analyst View:
In addition to vitamins it is necessary to use antioxidants supplements for growth of bone to boost the numbers of hatched chicks. This recognition by the FDA opens new doors for DSM to offer the additive to many U.S. breeder companies and can explore the potential of producing more and stronger chicks. It will not only help the company to foray into a new market but also increased in customer base which will bring in rich gains for the company.

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